VIENNA, June 1 (Hina) - The two-day ministerial session of the
Central European Initiative (CEI) ended on Saturday.
CEI admitted as its members five new members, Albania,
Belarus, Bulgaria, Rumania and Ukraine.
In preparation for the Conference on the Implementation of the
Dayton Agreement in June, the ministers warned that the civilian
part of the Agreement should be implemented more speedily.
In the final document they asked that fair and free elections
be held in Bosnia-Herzegovina on time so that joint bodies be
established in line with the Dayton Agreement.
The ministers also warned about the importance of
reconstruction of Bosnia and Croatia, and expressed their
conviction that CEI would contribute to the task.
CEI has gathered some $20 million for the reconstruction of
Croatia and Bosnia.
"Croatia is satisfied with the final document which supports
the reintegration of the Croatian Danubian and Croatia's accession
into the Council of Europe," Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic
In the final document the ministers called on Yugoslavia to be
constructive in the normalization of relations with Bosnia and
Croatia if it wanted full admission into the international
community, as well as in CEI.
(hina) lm
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