LJUBLJANA, 26 Feb (Hina) - A 40-yrs-old Split resident won his
second "Ugliest Dalmatian" title in Ljubljana Monday.
Slovenia's main broadsheet daily of Delo ran a picture of
Josko Karanusic in its column called "The World is the People",
after a panel composed of solely the representatives of the fair
sex, had again chosen him for the title.
Josko has beaten many competitors and won the title of "the
ugliest man in Dalmatia" primarily thanks to his crooked and many
times broken nose. Not containing his joy, the winner recieved the
prize -- a 2,000 German marks worth set of pots,
even though he stated that he won't be needing them yet.
"What's the use of the pots when I haven't found myself a wife
yet to cook for me", the 'Mister Ugliness' said.
(Hina) jn ns
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