ZAGREB, Feb 14 (Hina) - Today's VJESNIK devotes the front page to
President Tudjman's meeting with German Foreign Minister Klaus
The editorial, by Maja Freundlich, is headlined "Ireland in
Dayton." The British Government, which is a great advocate of
Dayton when Mostar and Bosnia are concerned, has made a great
mistake by refusing the Irish proposal that a Dayton-style
conference should be organised to deal with the Irish issue,
Freundlich contends.
The editorial gives a brief summary of the centuries-old Irish
struggle for independence and the problem of Anglican settlers in
northern Ireland, which remained a part of Britain after
"Croatia cannot watch unruffled as another war is being waged
between the Irish and the British (...) Three years ago, Britain
decided to participate in the international effort to bring peace
to Bosnia-Herzegovina by deploying a third of its armed forces in
that country. And now war is kindled in their own country. Croatia
should now return Britain's care and assistance," Freundlich
"If it is necessary to keep peace between the British and the
Irish by force, Croatia should not turn a deaf ear to a situation
which is like to what she has been through herself. Croatia should
not shun such an effort. It is unbearable to watch frightened
people and children, threatened by a war which began many centuries
ago," Freundlich concludes.
Alexander Milosevic discusses the work of the International
War Crimes Tribunal, in a comment piece headlined "All Roads Lead
to the Hague."
The paper runs an interview with the Bishop of Banja Luka,
Franjo Komarica.
VECERNJI LIST also devotes the front page to Minister Kinkel's
visit to Zagreb.
The editorial, by Visnja Staresina, speculates on the contents
of the archives of the extinct Conference on Former Yugoslavia"
which are to be revealed in twenty years. The article is headlined
"Archives Without Truth?"
The paper covers the upper house session under the headline
"Debate on Denationalisation."
The paper extensively covers Minister Susak's visit to
Washington, where he met his US counterpart William Perry.
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