MOSTAR, Jan 7 (Hina) - The mayor of Croat-held west Mostar,
Mijo Brajkovic, on Sunday appealed to residents "to be calm
but cautious" after a Bosnian Croat policeman had been shot
dead on a street dividing the town into Croat and Moslem
Speaking on Bosnian Croat radio, Brajkovic described
Saturday's killing of the Croat policeman as "an act of
terrorism" and asked Mostar residents not to give in to
Commenting on the latest statement by European Union
administrator of Mostar Hans Koschnik that the EU
administration could pull out of the town, Brajkovic said that
"Koschnik can't make such a decision on his own," adding that
Koschnick could only propose it.
Brajkovic said that an IFOR vehicle driving along
Bulevar street, the confrontation line where the policeman had
been killed, came under fire from the Moslem-controlled
eastern part of the town late Saturday night. He added that
IFOR troops had returned fire.
(hina) vm
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