ZAGREB, Jan 3 (Hina) - Today's VJESNIK devotes the first two pages
to the election of Zagreb Mayor and City Council chairman at the
constituent session of the City Council yesterday, with bold
headlines and a large photograph of Zagreb city fathers on the
front page. The paper also carries a report from yesterday's HDZ
press conference on the subject, headlined "The Opposition Has
Rejected All Our Proposals."
A comment piece by Maja Freundlich, headlined "Yearning for
True Riches", exhorts the reader to "trust the instinct that has
unerringly led us in the past five years" - for Croats will not
fail to find "where the greatest profit is."
A comment piece by Mario Marusic deals with the process of
injecting life into the Bosnian Federation and misunderstandings
between Croats and Moslems.
Franjo Kiseljak discusses the 1996 budget and the need to
lighten the fiscal burden imposed on the business sector.
The paper runs an analysis on privatisation as a "great trial
for Croatia" by Vladimir Veselica. The middle page is devoted to
the new Labour Act, which came into force on January 1.
VECERNJI LIST also devotes much space to the election of the
Mayor and the City Council chairman.
A comment piece by Zeljko Hodonj, headlined "Vukovar - An
European Symbol", discusses the prospects for the successful
mandate of the US nominee for temporary administrator of eastern
Slavonia, Gen. Jacques Klein.
Visnja Staresina analyses the efforts Serbia has deployed in
the past year to usurp the position of sole successor to former
(hina) as
031215 MET jan 96
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