ZAGREB, 19 March (Hina) - The leading Croatian party - the Croatian
Democratic Union (HDZ) - on Wednesday proposed to the Croatian
Election Commission to allow those Croatian voters who on the
election day (13 April) will be visiting Sarajevo on the occasion
of the Pope's visit to the Bosnian capital, to vote on 12 April.
A letter to the Croatian Election Commission, signed by HDZ
general secretary Ivan Valent, said that election rules do not
contain regulations which would prevent such a decision.
'Considering the technical complexity of voting one day
earlier and with the aim of complete implementation of all legal
regulations on the implementation of elections, including party
control, HDZ proposes that: voting on 12 April be allowed to those
voters who on 13 April will be travelling as pilgrims to Sarajevo
in the organisation of authorised bodies of the Catholic Church;
that voting be carried out only in special voting stations set
previously by the Croatian Election Commission, if possible one
station for each wider Croatian area (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek
The HDZ proposal was prompted by repeated requests of large
numbers of Croatian believers who were supported by the Croatian
Bishops' Conference, the HDZ letter said.
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