TUZLA, March 10 (Hina) - Tuzla authorities have approved the
building of the Tuzla Catholic School Centre on the land where a
former monastery of Roman Catholic nuns of God's Love used to be in
the northeastern Bosnian city.
On Monday, the Tuzla Catholic School Centre said that last
week the Tuzla municipal council had accepted a proposal for the
building of the centre on the 7,200 square metre-large ground.
At the moment the Catholic Centre has only high school and
lessons have been held in a building of a Tuzla primary school for
two years.
The centre's principal, Fr. Mladen Jozic, said that the
Archdiocese of Bosna (Sarajevo), which will establish the centre,
already had plans and ensured means for the construction of the
school building. The Centre is expected to hold lessons in its own
building next year where there will be primary school, besides high
(hina) mš
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