( Editorial: --> 2295 )
OPRISAVCI/VELIKA KOPANICA, Sept 22 (Hina) - We are pleased with the
speed and quality of the work and we believe that the "Green
Highway" consortium will finish this section of the highway through
eastern Croatia, to the border, to the welfare of everybody,
Croatian Prime Minister Zlatko Matesa said on Tuesday.
Matesa visited the 17-kilometre section of a highway undergoing
construction in eastern Croatia.
Director of the Croatian roads company, Aleksandar Caklovic, said
the 17 kilometres of highway cost six million German marks.
Representatives of the consortium said the works would be completed
by next September, and expressed interest in being awarded the
contract to complete the remaining 50 kilometres of the highway in
eastern Croatia.
(hina) lml
221815 MET sep 98
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