( Editorial: --> 0064 )
Polling stations were re-opened at 7am on Sunday, for the second day
of general elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Elections are taking place for the highest state bodies, bodies of
the two Bosnian entities and local authorities in 12 newly-
established municipalities.
Spokeswoman for the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE), Nicole Szulc, announced on Saturday night that all
2,189 polling stations will be opened, as planned, since all
difficulties with the delivery of voting lists have been removed.
Due to the difficulties, 35 polling stations were closed on
Saturday, and 30,000 registered voters failed to cast their
ballots, which they will have a chance to do today, Szulc said.
She estimated the first day of the elections passed successfully,
and no serious incidents had been registered.
Polling stations will be open until 4pm Sunday, but everybody will
be able to vote, whatever the deadline.
Official estimates on the number of voters will not be announced
until all polling stations are closed, Szulc said.
Preliminary information from local media speaks about between 30
and 36 per cent of registered voters that had cast their ballots.
Preliminary results from the field will begin to arrive on Tuesday,
while official election results will be published in seen to ten
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