VARAZDIN STOCK EXCHANGE MAKES 531,500 KUNA TURNOVER MONDAY VARAZDIN, Oct 30 (Hina) - The Varazdin stock exchange (VTV) made a turnover of 531,543 kuna Monday, causing the value of the official VIN index to grow by 0.06 per cent to
340.7 points. In the Privatisation and Investment Funds (PIF) quotes, most turnover was achieved with the sale of the stock of Expandia fund. --------------------------------------------------------------STOCK SEGMENT price/kn %change turnover/kn -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Dalmacijaauto 42 -16,00 1.050 --------------------------------------------------------------Overall stock segment turnover: 1.050 --------------------------------------------------------------PIF QUOTES SEGMENT price/kn %change turnover/kn -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Expandia 17,73 -0,17 207.179,82 2. Dom 16,22 0,43 127.700 3. Velebit 13,75 0,66 117.730,59 4. SNF 16,74 -0,36
VARAZDIN, Oct 30 (Hina) - The Varazdin stock exchange (VTV) made a
turnover of 531,543 kuna Monday, causing the value of the official
VIN index to grow by 0.06 per cent to 340.7 points.
In the Privatisation and Investment Funds (PIF) quotes, most
turnover was achieved with the sale of the stock of Expandia fund.
STOCK SEGMENT price/kn %change turnover/kn
1. Dalmacijaauto 42 -16,00 1.050
Overall stock segment turnover: 1.050
PIF QUOTES SEGMENT price/kn %change turnover/kn
1. Expandia 17,73 -0,17 207.179,82
2. Dom 16,22 0,43 127.700
3. Velebit 13,75 0,66 117.730,59
4. SNF 16,74 -0,36 20.740,88
5. Pleter 10,76 -0,83 5.831,32
6. Slavonski fond 8,40 0,24 4.873,60
7. Sunce 7,58 -0,39 4.816,32
Overall PIF quotes segment turnover: 488.872,99
Entitlements quote segment price turnover/kn
(nominal percentage)
37 41.620
Overall entitlements quotes turnover: 41.620
Overall turnover at Varazdin Stock Exchange: 531.543,83
US$1 = 9 kuna
(hina) lml