VARAZDIN STOCK EXCHANGE VARAZDIN, Oct 23 (Hina) - The turnover at the Varazdin Stock Exchange on Monday amounted to 781,627.68 (DM205,691), Varazdin stock market officials reported. the value of the official index of the Varazdin
Stock Exchange, VIN, dropped by 0.06 percent to 346.3 points. --------------------------------------------------------------STOCK SEGMENT price in kuna %change turnover in kuna -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Ericsson Nikola Tesla 172.00 1.18 48,870.50 2. Dalmacija-auto 50.00 -37.50 1,250.00 3. Varteks 20.02 0.05 940.94 4. Kras 180.00 -5.26 900.00 -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------Overall share segment turnover: 51.961.44 --------------------------------------------------------------Privatisation and Investment Funds (PIF) quotes price in kuna %change turnover in kuna ---
VARAZDIN, Oct 23 (Hina) - The turnover at the Varazdin Stock
Exchange on Monday amounted to 781,627.68 (DM205,691), Varazdin
stock market officials reported.
the value of the official index of the Varazdin Stock Exchange, VIN,
dropped by 0.06 percent to 346.3 points.
STOCK SEGMENT price in kuna %change turnover in kuna
1. Ericsson Nikola Tesla 172.00 1.18 48,870.50
2. Dalmacija-auto 50.00 -37.50 1,250.00
3. Varteks 20.02 0.05 940.94
4. Kras 180.00 -5.26 900.00
Overall share segment turnover: 51.961.44
Privatisation and Investment Funds (PIF) quotes
price in kuna %change turnover in kuna
1. Slavonski 8.28 -0.84 150,029.02
2. Pleter 10.63 0.19 137,745.78
3. Velebit 13.75 0.00 111,909.02
4. SNF 16.91 -0.53 103,720.78
5. Dom 16.03 -0.74 34,514.98
6. Expandia 17.80 -0.89 20,501.72
7. Sunce 7.60 1.20 7,014.74
Entitlements quotes segment price turnover
(nominal percentage)
45,00 -9,98 164.230,20
Overall entitlements quotes turnover: 164.230,20
Overall Varazdin Stock Market turnover: 781.627,68
(hina) it