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ZAGREB, Nov 14 (Hina) - Parliament Vice-President Zdravko Tomac on Thursday evening told MPs that Prime Minister Ivica Racan would explain to the parliament at the beginning of Friday's sitting the government's decision to forward the indictment against general Janko Bobetko to the Zagreb County Court.
ZAGREB, Nov 14 (Hina) - Parliament Vice-President Zdravko Tomac on Thursday evening told MPs that Prime Minister Ivica Racan would explain to the parliament at the beginning of Friday's sitting the government's decision to forward the indictment against general Janko Bobetko to the Zagreb County Court. #L# Prime Minister Racan told reporters today that the government would forward the Court the entire "Bobetko case" file through the Justice Ministry. He confirmed that he had given Bobetko his personal assurances that he would not be handed the indictment forcibly. Racan said that, according to available information, the general was not fit to attend any trial. Nevertheless, he added that the indictment could be handed in hospital, but only in case if the medical documentation on Bobetko's condition proved false, which Racan said he did not believe, or in case Bobetko's condition improved significantly. The party bench of the Social Liberals (HSLS) has asked the government to explain to the parliament why it had sent the Bobetko indictment to the Zagreb County Court even before the UN war crimes tribunal's Appeals Chamber announced its decision on two interlocutory appeals submitted by the government. The party claims that the government's decision could be "the beginning of decision-making on the extradition of Bobetko to the Hague-based tribunal". (hina) rml sb


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