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SARAJEVO, Oct 18 (Hina) - The president of Bosnia-Herzegovina's Party of Democratic Action (SDA), Sulejman Tihic, on Friday accused international representatives in the country of trying to commit electoral fraud and thus secure the position of the ruling Social Democratic Party (SDP) and Party for Bosnia (SBiH).
SARAJEVO, Oct 18 (Hina) - The president of Bosnia-Herzegovina's Party of Democratic Action (SDA), Sulejman Tihic, on Friday accused international representatives in the country of trying to commit electoral fraud and thus secure the position of the ruling Social Democratic Party (SDP) and Party for Bosnia (SBiH). #L# The newly-elected Bosniak member of the Bosnian Presidency said at a news conference in Sarajevo on Friday that the allocation of so- called compensation mandates in parliamentary parties which had not passed the electoral threshold would be a drastic violation of the Electoral Law, which the SDA would not allow. "We will use all means to have the Electoral Law respected," Tihic said, adding that the international High Representative to Bosnia, Paddy Ashdown, should be aware of possible imminent consequences. He said that compensation mandates had been announced for a series of small parties, which would significantly affect the establishment of new parliamentary majorities, adding that this was a result of a conspiracy behind which stood "electoral losers and parts of the international community who also created the failed project of Alliance for Changes". Commenting on a recent statement by the president of the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia (HDZ), Barisa Colak, that in case of a disputable allocation of compensation mandates, civil unrest would occur, Tihic said that the HDZ had the right to decide on their own measures, while the SDA would for now undertake only legal means, meaning lodging appeals to competent courts. The SDA president confirmed that negotiations were being held with the HDZ on a post-electoral alliance, and added that the SDA remained open for cooperation with all "pro-Bosnian and reform- orientated" parties. Tihic criticised the recent decision by High Representative Ashdown that he should himself appoint the heads of the state's intelligence service (SIPA), as well as prohibit mass dismissals of employees in public services and the state administration. (hina) lml


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