PLOCE-Politika FOREIGN BUSINESSMEN INCREASINGLY INTERESTED IN PLOCE PORT PLOCE, Feb 25 (Hina) - The opening of a bridge across the Sava river near Bosanski Samac, announced for mid-March, has bolstered the interest of businessmen from
Central Europe for the southern Croatian seaport of Ploce which sees in this its financial and development opportunities, the head of the Ploce port authorities, Srecko Erak, said on Monday. The berths of the biggest Dalmatian port count an increasing number of specialised terminals, reloading norms are at world level, which makes Ploce an unavoidable Central European port in the south of Croatia. The bridge across the Sava, apart from bringing more cargo to the Ploce railway station, brings more tourists and other passengers. After representatives of Hungary, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina last week in Budapest presented the development plans and commercial possibilities of the C-unit of the Fifth Paneuropean transport corridor, with special participa
PLOCE, Feb 25 (Hina) - The opening of a bridge across the Sava river
near Bosanski Samac, announced for mid-March, has bolstered the
interest of businessmen from Central Europe for the southern
Croatian seaport of Ploce which sees in this its financial and
development opportunities, the head of the Ploce port authorities,
Srecko Erak, said on Monday.
The berths of the biggest Dalmatian port count an increasing number
of specialised terminals, reloading norms are at world level, which
makes Ploce an unavoidable Central European port in the south of
Croatia. The bridge across the Sava, apart from bringing more cargo
to the Ploce railway station, brings more tourists and other
After representatives of Hungary, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
last week in Budapest presented the development plans and
commercial possibilities of the C-unit of the Fifth Paneuropean
transport corridor, with special participation from and support by
the Ploce port, interest for this corridor grows. The said corridor
connects the Ploce port with Budapest, as well as with Ukraine,
through Sarajevo, Samac, Osijek, Beli Manastir, and Pecs.
The Budapest presentation focused on the opening of the road and
rail bridge across the Sava near Bosanski Samac. It has been
estimated EUR250 million will be invested in this rail route. The
European Investment Bank approved EUR40 million to Croatian
Railways (HZ) for the modernisation of the route's Croatian
section, while Croatia needs to secure the additional EUR56
In modern economic conditions, Central European countries demand
the shortest and cheapest path to any European port for exporting
their goods. This path also leads to the Ploce port, becoming the
most significant Central European port, which is why the HZ counts
on making a monthly profit of up to EUR10 million from the transport
of goods and passengers between Budapest and the Ploce.
(hina) np sb