VELI LOSINJ, Aug 2 (Hina) - A maritime education centre was opened in Veli Losinj on the northern Adriatic island of Losinj on Saturday as part of Dolphin Day, an event aimed at raising the public awareness of the need to protect the
sea and a community of 120 dolphins in the area.
VELI LOSINJ, Aug 2 (Hina) - A maritime education centre was opened
in Veli Losinj on the northern Adriatic island of Losinj on Saturday
as part of Dolphin Day, an event aimed at raising the public
awareness of the need to protect the sea and a community of 120
dolphins in the area. #L#
The Blue World Centre, the first of its kind on the Adriatic, will
also provide courses for different interest groups such as the
local government, fishermen, underwater swimmers, tourism
workers, students and researchers to help them improve their work
and promote the principles of the sustainable development of the
The centre was initiated by local authorities in cooperation with
the Hungarian oil company MOL, which secured 100,000 euros for the
(hina) vm