SARAJEVO NOT SUFFERING FROM SARS SARAJEVO, June 20 (Hina) - Eillen Carrier, a 59-year-old Canadian hospitalised in Sarajevo on Thursday due to suspected SARS infection, is in fact suffering from chronic bronchitis and periodical
asthmatic attacks, the Bosnian Federation's health ministry said Friday.
SARAJEVO, June 20 (Hina) - Eillen Carrier, a 59-year-old Canadian
hospitalised in Sarajevo on Thursday due to suspected SARS
infection, is in fact suffering from chronic bronchitis and
periodical asthmatic attacks, the Bosnian Federation's health
ministry said Friday. #L#
A doctor at Sarajevo's infection diseases clinic, Lejla Dzinic,
told reporters virology tests would definitely confirm a diagnosis
within two to three days, but even now it was almost certain the
woman was not suffering from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
The Canadian arrived in Bosnia to visit the Medjugorje shrine.
(hina) lml