ZAGREB, June 5 (Hina) - On behalf of the government, Croatia's permanent representative with the Council of Europe, Ambassador Neven Madey, in Salzburg on Thursday signed a convention on the protection of persons in the automatised
processing of personal information and an additional protocol on supervising bodies and international exchange of information. Madey also presented CoE Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer with a document by which Croatia ratified the Civil Law Convention on Corruption.
ZAGREB, June 5 (Hina) - On behalf of the government, Croatia's
permanent representative with the Council of Europe, Ambassador
Neven Madey, in Salzburg on Thursday signed a convention on the
protection of persons in the automatised processing of personal
information and an additional protocol on supervising bodies and
international exchange of information. Madey also presented CoE
Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer with a document by which
Croatia ratified the Civil Law Convention on Corruption. #L#
The Croatian foreign ministry said in a statement that joining one
and signing two new Council of Europe's legal instruments
represents progress in the adjustment of Croatia's legislature to
European standards.
The Civil Law Convention on Corruption seeks to combat corruption
by means of civil law measures. It requires the contracting parties
to provide in their domestic law for effective remedies for persons
who have suffered damage as a result of acts of corruption, to
enable them to defend their rights and interests, including the
possibility of obtaining compensation for damage, the statement
The convention for the protection of persons in the automatised
processing of personal information is the first international
binding instrument aimed at guaranteeing the protection of rights
and fundamental freedoms to every individual, particularly the
right to the protection of privacy in the automatised processing of
personal information.
(hina) it