ZAGREB TO HOST SUMMIT OF FIRST LADIES OF EAST, CENTRAL EUROPE ZAGREB, May 4 (Hina) - The first ladies of Central and East European countries will meet in Zagreb for a regional summit promoting the importance of early breast cancer
diagnosis, to be held on 8-9 May.
ZAGREB, May 4 (Hina) - The first ladies of Central and East European
countries will meet in Zagreb for a regional summit promoting the
importance of early breast cancer diagnosis, to be held on 8-9 May.
The summit will be opened by Milka Mesic, the wife of Croatian
President Stjepan Mesic, who chairs the national committee on
public education about early breast cancer diagnosis, established
in late 2000.
Of the 19 invited first ladies, 12 have confirmed attendance so far,
including the first ladies of Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech
Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldavia,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.
Letters of support were sent by Cherie Blaire, the wife of the
British prime minister, Rosalynn Carter, the wife of the former US
president, and Janet Howard, the wife of the Australian president,
who have been invited to the summit as observers.
(hina) rml