Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.
ZAGREB, Sept 15 (Hina) - After a two-month summer break, the Croatianparliament began its 10th session and regular autumn sitting onWednesday. The business plan of the Croatian Telecomenvisaging the lay-off of 700 employees was
approved by the formergovernment, Deputy Prime Minister Andrija Hebrang said during questiontime in parliament on Wednesday. Responding to criticisms by a deputy of theCroatian Peasant Party (HSS), Croatian Agriculture Minister PetarCobankovic said in parliament on Wednesday he did not think he shouldbe held responsible for protection against hailstorm and damage causedby such weather conditions. The number of casualties in traffic accidentsin July, August and September this year has dropped by 70 persons inrelation to the same period last year, Interior Minister MarijanMlinaric on Wednesday told MPs who warned about the dissatisfaction ofrestaurant owners and wine producers with the new Law on TrafficSafet