INFO is the Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media Fair, INTERLIBER is the Books and Teaching Appliances Fair and EDUCA Plus is the Exhibition of Lifelong Learning and Human Resources Development.
Zagreb next weekZAGREB, Nov 3 (Hina) - Three international specialised trade fairs --INFO, INTERLIBER and EDUCA Plus -- will take place at the Zagreb TradeFair Centre from 8 to 12 November, featuring about 500 domestic andforeign
exhibitors in all, organisers announced at a press conferenceon Thursday.
ZAGREB, Nov 3 (Hina) - Three international specialised trade fairs
-- INFO, INTERLIBER and EDUCA Plus -- will take place at the Zagreb Trade Fair
Centre from 8 to 12 November, featuring about 500 domestic and foreign
exhibitors in all, organisers announced at a press conference on Thursday.