ZAGREB, June 9 (Hina) - President Stjepan Mesic on Thursday
commented on the sending of a Croatian Army platoon to the United States to
participate in a military exercise in Minnesota.#L#
Mesic said that
it is a routine exercise and that it is not be a case of deployment of Croatian
troops outside Croatia for combat purposes. He noted that Croatia could only
benefit from the exercise.
The exercise was planned, and the whole
thing should have been better arranged in order to avoid any misunderstanding
in Parliament, the President said.
A dispute has arisen over the unit
being sent to the US after a group of members of the Croatian Parliament
claimed that Croatian Army units cannot leave the territory of Croatia without
Parliament's approval.
ZAGREB, June 9 (Hina) - President Stjepan Mesic on Thursday commentedon the sending of a Croatian Army platoon to the United States toparticipate in a military exercise in Minnesota.#L#President StjepanMesic on Thursday commented on
the sending of a Croatian Army platoonto the United States to participate in a military exercise inMinnesota.#L# Mesic said that it is a routine exercise and that it isnot be a case of deployment of Croatian troops outside Croatia forcombat purposes. He noted that Croatia could only benefit from theexercise. The exercise was planned, and the whole thing should havebeen better arranged in order to avoid any misunderstanding inParliament, the President said. A dispute has arisen over the unitbeing sent to the US after a group of members of the CroatianParliament claimed that Croatian Army units cannot leave the territoryof Croatia without Parliament's approval.