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ZAGREB, May 22 (Hina) - The Croatian Government on Sunday most harshlycondemned the planting of two explosive devices in Trpinje and Borovonear the eastern town of Vukovar. The Croatian National Bank (HNB) Council earlierthis week
adopted new measures aimed at further limiting borrowingabroad and curbing excessive bank sector liquidity. A two day session of the 14th annual assemblyof the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) startedin Belgrade on Sunday. The director of the European Bank forReconstruction and Development (EBRD), Jean Lamierre, in Belgrade onSunday expressed satisfaction with democratic and economic progress inwestern Balkan countries. Three quarters of Bosnia's citizens considerBosnia-Herzegovina their homeland, but one quarter is ready to give uptheir Bosnian citizenship in exchange for some other, according to apublic opinion poll conducted by a Sarajevo-based marketing agency inMarch.