VukovarVukovar officials receive incoming OSCE regional representativeVUKOVAR, Jan 10 (Hina) - The newly appointed regional representative ofthe OSCE regional office in Vukovar, Jean-Pier Golubic, on Monday heldtalks with the mayor of
that eastern Croatian town, Zlatko Hegedus,and the president of the Vukovar City Council, Filip Karaula.
VUKOVAR, Jan 10 (Hina) - The newly appointed regional representative
of the OSCE regional office in Vukovar, Jean-Pier Golubic, on Monday held talks
with the mayor of that eastern Croatian town, Zlatko Hegedus, and the
president of the Vukovar City Council, Filip Karaula.The officials expressed satisfaction with the cooperation between the
OSCE and the local self government unit in Vukovar.
The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was
reorganised on 1 January 2005. Its headquarters is in Zagreb. The Organisation
has regional offices in Vukovar, Sisak, Gospic, Karlovac, Zadar and Split.