Asked to comment on a visible difference between the wishes of the government and citizens who do not really support Croatia's bid to join NATO, the premier said that his cabinet would prepare a strong communications strategy for next 18 months on the matter.
Citizens must be informed of the simplest elementary issues, namely about safety and common values, the PM said and reiterated that nobody would have dared to throw a single bomb on Croatia had Croatia been a NATO member state in 1991.
There is another discrepancy in the perception of NATO and what NATO is, and out task in the next year and half is to inform the citizens about the reasons and arguments for NATO membership, PM Sanader told reporters.
Asked to comment on a survey according to which Radimir Cacic for the first time surpassed him on the list of most desirable prime ministers and whether he considered Cacic a serious rival, Sanader said the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) would win at the next elections, adding that according to all opinion polls, his party was leading.
"After the next elections, the prime minister will come from the ranks of the HDZ," Sanader told reporters.