According to Pendes, the legislative procedure is being prepared for the deployment of Bosnian troops in the ISAF mission.
"We are now preparing a document for the Council of Minister of Bosnia-Herzegovina (the government) in order that it can give its consent and then the Bosnian Presidency is expected to make a decision," the official said adding that the presidency's decision must be okayed by the state parliament within two months' time.
The deputy minister said the campaign before the general elections, set for 3 October, could prolong the procedure.
Responding to a request from NATO this April, the Bosnian collective presidency already greenlighted in principle the deployment of an infantry unit in Afghanistan.
This 100-strong unit is likely to protect some of the bases of the ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) in Sector South under the command of Denmark.
The Danish government has undertaken to provide the Bosnian troops with logistical support.
The Bosnian authorities will ensure the payment of wages and life insurance to the Bosnian soldiers employed in that Asian country.