ZAGREBAČKI HOLDING Ltd., Zagreb, announces that, in accordance with the provisions of Article 88, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Act on Water Services (Official Gazette, No. 66/2019) and Article 13 of the Regulation on service areas (Official Gazette, no. 70/2023), to the trading company VODOOPSKRBA I ODVODNJA d.o.o., Zagreb (hereinafter: VIO), as the acquiring company, has been merged with two additional public suppliers of water services within the Service Area 11, namely trading companies ODVODNJA SAMOBOR d.o.o. and VODE ŽUMBERAK d.o.o. and the Company Agreement has been revised accordingly.
The implementation of the aforementioned status change will result in an increase in VIO's share capital by EUR 208,370.00, bringing it to EUR 274,858,710.00. By this act, VIO, as the acquiring company, has continued the process of consolidating the water utility sector in Service Area 11, and since the beginning of the process, a total of four companies have now been merged with it (VODE JASTREBARSKO d.o.o., VODOVOD KLINČA SELA d.o.o., ODVODNJA SAMOBOR d.o.o. and VODE ŽUMBERAK d.o.o.), and a Contract on the entry and acceptance of assets has been signed with the Municipality Stupnik.
In the upcoming period, necessary actions are expected to be taken to acquire a business share of the City of Sveta Nedelja in the share capital of the company VIO.
Source of information:
Zagrebački holding d.o.o.
Ulica grada Vukovara 41,
tel.: +385 1 6420-888
Dubravka Grubišić
Mob: 091 642 9009