Notification of considering issuance of the Company's new bonds Pursuant to Article 459, Paragraph 3 of the Capital Market Act, Atlantic Grupa d.d., Miramarska 23, Zagreb (hereinafter referred to as: “Atlantic Grupa d.d.“ or the “Company“) hereby informs that it is considering the issue of new five-year bonds of Atlantic Grupa d.d., in the total target nominal amount of up to EUR 80,000,000.00 and their listing on the Official Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange with the possibility of exchanging the existing bonds of the Issuer ISIN code HRATGRO25CA5 for new bonds (hereinafter: "Transaction"). The planned time of execution of the Transaction is until 30 June 2025 or until 31 December 2025 at the latest. The final time, amount and yield of the issue will be determined in the final terms. The transaction will be carried out exclusively subject to acceptable market conditions, depending on the state of the capital market, the absence of material negative changes in the Company's operations, results or business prospects and on the condition that all regulatory approvals are obtained in accordance with applicable regulations. In the case of conducting a Transaction, the Company will publish information about the Transaction as well as its conditions in a timely manner. For the purpose of supporting the mentioned Transaction, the following consultants have been engaged - Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d., OTP Banka d.d., Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d., Zagrebačka banka d.d., as agents and sponsors of the issue and the Law Firm Šavorić & Partners in the capacity of the legal advisor.
Source of information:
Atlantic Grupa Inc,
Miramarska 23
Information for investors:
TEL.: +385 1 2413 322
FAX: +385 1 2413 901