Pursuant to Articles 123 and 133 of the Rules of Zagreb Stock Exchange, Zagreb holding Ltd (hereinafter: the Company) hereby announces that on 30 December 2024, the Supervisory Board and the Company Assembly held sessions at which the increase and adjustment of the Company's share capital were considered. By decision of the Company Assembly, the Company's share capital is increased by EUR 15,500,000.95 by entering ownership rights through real estate investments in the amount of EUR 15,500,000.00, and by paying in cash in the amount of EUR 0.95, in accordance with the Act on the Introduction of the Euro as the Official Currency in the Republic of Croatia and the Act on Companies. After the adjustment and increase, the Company's share capital will amount to EUR 437,166,150.00 upon registration in the Court Register in Zagreb.
Source of information:
Zagrebački holding d.o.o.
Ulica grada Vukovara 41,
tel.: +385 1 6420-888
web: www.zgh.hr
Dubravka Grubišić
Mob: 091 642 9009