On December 16th , 2024, the company Span B.V., Keizersgracht 482, 1017 EG, Amsterdam, Netherlands, ID: 95799907 was
established and registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Netherlands. The founder and sole member of the company is Span
d.d. The company is registered for doing business on the regional market.
Since offices of Span's international partners operating in markets where Span is already present and where it plans to do business
in the future are in Netherlands, this country was the right choice for Span. The company Span B.V. will be more than just a sales
office. The goal is to strengthen commercial and strategic ties with the most important organizations, primarily Microsoft and
It was crucial that the country in which we decide to open a new affiliated company is a member of the European Union, part of the
Eurozone and that it has appropriate fiscal policy.
Source of information:
Span d.d.
Koturaška cesta 47,
10000 Zagreb