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Renal autotransplant successfully performed at KBC Rijeka hospital

ZAGREB, 4 Nov (Hina) - A team of the KBC Rijeka hospital has successfully performed a kidney autotransplant, a technically very demanding operation that marks a new success for the hospital in top-level medicine, the hospital said on Monday.

The patient's kidney was moved from its normal position to a new one as it was threatened by the progression of a gynecological condition. Despite the complexity of the operation, its course was normal and its success is evidenced by the restored function of the autotransplanted kidney, the hospital said.

Due to their complexity, autotransplants are performed in few medical centres in the world - in the UK they are performed in only one centre, and in the USA in four, which is why the operation performed at the KBC Rijeka Urology Department is an important professional success both nationally and internationally.

The KBC Rijeka Urology Department is a Health Ministry reference centre for kidney transplantation.


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