Pursuant to Article 477 of the Capital Market Act, M SAN Grupa d.o.o. (hereinafter: the Issuer) hereby informs that in 2023 it has fulfilled all financial obligations towards the holders of debt securities defined in the Prospectus and the Notice on the final conditions of the issue published on the Issuer's website. In accordance with the Notice on the final terms of bond issuance dated 7/20/2021, payment agent Central Depository & Clearing Company Inc ("CDCC") made the following payments of due interest and principal to bondholders on behalf and for the account of the Issuer:
The original document can be downloaded as a PDF
Source of information:
M SAN Grupa d.o.o.
tel.: + 385 1 365 49 00
fax.: +385 1 365 49 05
Informacije za investitore IR@MSAN.hr