Dalekovod, dd, with its registered office in Zagreb, Marijana Čavića 4, entered in the court register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb under the registration number of the entity (MBS) 080010093, the European Unique Identifier (EUID) HRSR.080010093 and the personal identification number (OIB) 47911242222 on 04/02/2021 published a Call for Declaration of Interest, with the purpose of determining the existence of interest in participating in the financial restructuring of the Company.
Pprocess of determining the existence of interest was completed on February 15, 2021. at 23:59, and Dalekovod d.d. will, as in previous occasions, ensure timely information and the highest level of transparency of the process towards all shareholders and stakeholders.
Dalekovod jsc.
Source of information:
Dalekovod jsc.
M.Čavića 4, 10000 Zagreb
Tel:+385 1 24 59 928
e-mail: glasnogovornik@dalekovod.hr
URL: www.dalekovod.com
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