Pursuant to the provision of Art. 474 paraf.3 of the Capital Market Act INSTITUT IGH, d.d. headquartered in Zagreb, Janka Rakuše 1, OIB: 79766124714. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby declares as follows:
• the Company holds 13,359 treasury shares, representing 2.1768% of the Company's share capital;
• the reason for the acquisition and holding of treasury shares is to be offered for sale and / or for rewarding the employees and management / members of the Managment Board of the Company and its daughter company's;
• treasury shares were acquired on the basis of the authority and under the conditions determined by the General Assembly of the Company by the Decision dated 16.12.2016;
• there is no program of redemption of treasury shares;
• there is no employee shareholding program in the Company.
Institut IGH d.d.
Source of information:
10000 Zagreb, Janka Rakuše 1
Tel: +385 01 6125-416
Fax: +385 01 6125-405
e-mail: IR@igh.hr
web: www.igh.hr
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