Pursuant to the Capital Market Law and the Stock Exchange Rules, we hereby announce that the session of the Supervisory Board of JADRAN d.d. will be held on 31st October 2019 in order to consider the unaudited Financial Statements of Group (consolidated) and JADRAN d.d. (non-consolidated) for the period 01.01.-30.09.2019.
Jadran d.d.
Napomena o izvoru:
Jadran d.d.
Bana Jelačića 16, 51260 Crikvenica
Tel: +385 51 241 222
e-mail: zse@jadran-crikvenica.hr
URL: www.jadran-crikvenica.hr
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Crikvenica (HinaOTS) - Jadran d.d. from Crikvenica, Bana Jelačića 16, MB: 03145662, MBS: 040000817, OIB: 56994999963, is issuing as follows: