Pursuant to the provisions of Article 133a. of the Exchange Rules of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, PODRAVKA Inc., Ante Starčevića 32, Koprivnica, PIN: 18928523252 (The Issuer) hereby informs that it has at least one independent member of the Supervisory Board (Ms. Ivana Matovina) who has no family, business or other relations with the Issuer, majority shareholder or group of majority shareholders or members of the Management or Supervisory Board of the Issuer or majority shareholder.
Podravka Inc.
Source of information:
Corporate Communications
A. Starčevića 32; HR - 48000 Koprivnica
tel. 048 651 953
fax. 048 622 008
web: www.podravka.com
e-mail: press@podravka.hr
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Koprivnica (HinaOTS) - Pursuant to the Capital Market Law, PODRAVKA Inc., Ante Starčević 32, Koprivnica, PIN: 18928523252, is issuing as follows: