SAD odgodio sankcije Naftnoj industriji Srbije za 30 dana
Autor:Velimir Ilić
epa04511704 (FILE) A file photo dated 24 November 2013 showing a worker next to steel pipes during the ceremony marking the start of the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline, at a field north of Belgrade, Serbia. Shares in European energy companies involved in Russia's South Stream pipeline plunged 02 December 2014, following Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to scrap the project. Russian energy giant Gazprom said late 01 December 2014 that the project is over and that it will build a new pipeline to Turkey. Russian President Vladimir Putin had earlier accused the European Union of hampering the pipeline project. 'If Europe doesn't want it implemented, it won't be implemented,' Putin said during a visit to Turkey. EPA/KOCA SULEJMANOVIC
FotoID: 20141202:photo-HC022488:1
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BEOGRAD, 27. veljače 2025. (Hina) - Sjedinjene Američke Države (SAD) odgodile su za još 30 dana primjenu sankcija prema Naftnoj industriji Srbije (NIS), koje su dio sankcijskog paketa Washingtona uvedenog ruskom energetskom sektoru čiji je NIS dio, objavljeno je u četvrtak u Beogradu na dan kad su restriktivne mjere trebale stupiti na snagu.
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