JADRAN d.d. (the “Company”) hereby submits a notice pursuant to Article 473 of the Capital Market Act, which requires the issuer of shares, as soon as possible and at the latest at the end of each month in which the change in the number of voting shares to which the share capital is divided has occurred, to disclose to the public information on the changes that have occurred and on the new total number of shares and the share capital of the issuer.
At the General Assembly held on 24 August 2018, the Company adopted a decision to increase its share capital ("the Decision").
On 12 October 2018, the Central Depository and Clearing Company d.d. (SKDD) shall make an entry in its information system regarding the stated increase in the share capital of the Company.
The share capital of the Company before the increase amounted to HRK 282,507,090.00. In accordance with the Decision, the Company issued 11,594,240 new shares.
After the increase has been implemented, the Company's share capital amounts to HRK 482,507,730.00 and is divided into 27,971,463 shares marked JDRN-R-B without the nominal amount.
Jadran d.d.
Source of information:
Jadran d.d.
Bana Jelačića 16, 51260 Crikvenica
Tel: +385 51 241 222
e-mail: zse@jadran-crikvenica.hr
URL: www.jadran-crikvenica.hr
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